Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A to Z Challenge - "Y"

Y is for "Yacht"
(as in Yum-Fabulous)

Lorenzo's Bucanero I

I used this Yacht to describe the one owned by a South American buyer of antiquities - all of dubious provenance. Especially the ones he acquires in Sirocco, Storm over Land and Sea.

We meet Lorenzo Dominguez again in After the Cataclysm, where he now owns the Bucanero II - the former (real) ghost ship Lyubov Orlova.

All of this luxury was wishful thinking on my part but I had fun going along for the ride through two books.



  1. Love it! I would love to ride on one...and write a book!

    1. How about the second best thing, Corinne? You could READ the book! In exchange to a review, I'd be happy to send you the mobi file...Just let me know. There is something really interesting going on with this yacht (in the book, of course).

  2. I don't know. . . I always liked the idea of yachts (especially sailing vessels), but the fact is that I get motion sickness at the drop of a a hat. I think I'll stick to hiking and biking!
    Rebecca at The Ninja Librarian

    1. There is no sense in beating your head against the waves. Hiking and biking are great activities. I have done plenty of the former in the Alps when I was young (and dragged along by my father).
